MapLink™ Procedures | Temporary Uses or Structures Other Than Construction Trailers; Transient Merchant Licenses

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Temporary Uses or Structures Other Than Construction Trailers; Transient Merchant Licenses
A. Temporary uses, such as festivals, fairs or other similar activities sponsored by a governmental, local nonprofit, community or charitable organization, shall be exempt from obtaining zoning approval from the Zoning Hearing Board, provided that the Zoning Officer determines compliance with the standards of this section as a condition of issuing a certificate of occupancy.
B. Approval of temporary uses or structures shall be granted for a specific time period not to exceed six months. If continued need for the temporary use or structure on an annual basis is demonstrated by the applicant, approval may be granted for annual renewal by the Zoning Officer of the permit for the temporary use or structure, provided that all conditions of the original approval are maintained.
C. A transient merchant license as required by Chapter 155: Peddling and Soliciting of the Borough Code shall be obtained.

See Building and Zoning Department for more detailed information on permits and applications.