MapLink™ Procedures | Small Cell Facilities Application

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Small Cell Facilities Application
Application requirements.
(1) Drawings. The applicant must submit fully dimensioned site plans, elevation drawings and structural calculations prepared, sealed, stamped and signed by a professional engineer licensed and registered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
(2) Drawings must depict any existing wireless facilities, with all existing transmission equipment identified; other improvements; the proposed facility with all proposed transmission equipment and other improvements; and the boundaries of the area surrounding the proposed facility and any associated access or utility easements and setbacks.
(3) Photo simulations. For all applications, photo simulations from at least three reasonable line-of-sight locations near the proposed project site are required as an appendix to the application. The photo simulations must be taken from the viewpoints of the greatest pedestrian or vehicular traffic. The angle between the viewpoints of the photo simulations must be at least 90° or greater and provide a full profile depiction.
(4) Equipment specifications. For all equipment depicted on the plans, the applicant must include:
(a) The manufacturer’s name and model number;
(b) Physical dimensions, including, without limitation, height, width, depth, volume and weight with mounts and other necessary hardware; and
(c) Technical rendering of all external components, including enclosures and all attachment hardware.
See § 210-313: Small cell facilities (SE) for more detailed information.
See Building and Zoning Department for more detailed information on permits and applications.