MapLink™ Procedures | Application Procedures and Requirements

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Application Procedures and Requirements
Responsibilities of applicants.
It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to apply for and secure all permits and certificates required by this article. The applicant shall be obligated to contact the Zoning Officer and secure a certificate of use and occupancy after the completion of development and/or prior to the occupancy of any structure or lot. Failure to secure necessary permits or certificates or failure to apply for the same in a timely fashion shall constitute a violation of this article and shall be subject to the penalties for violation specified herein.

Application procedures.
A. All applications shall be submitted in a form and manner acceptable to the Borough. All applications shall be accompanied by the required fee established from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council and which schedule of fees is available to the public in the office of the Borough Manager. All applications to be referred to the Planning Commission shall be filed at least 30 calendar days prior to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission at which the application is to be considered.
B. Applications for conditional uses. All applications for conditional use approval shall be submitted and shall be processed in accordance with the requirements herein.
C. Applications for uses by special exception. All applications for uses by special exception shall be submitted and shall be processed in accordance with the requirements herein.
D. Applications for approval of a land development. All applications that require approval of a land development plan shall be submitted and processed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 183: Subdivision and Land Development.
E. Application for building/zoning permits.
(1) All applications shall be made in writing to the Zoning Officer on forms provided by the Borough and shall be accompanied by the required fee. All applications shall include, as a minimum, a plot plan, as defined by this chapter, in duplicate and drawn to scale on a property survey that is current and sealed by a licensed land surveyor who is registered by the commonwealth, showing all of the following:
(a) Drawn to scale, preferably at a scale of one inch equals 20 feet (smaller scale may be accepted in special circumstances if required data can be clearly shown). Photostatic reductions are acceptable if reduced to a scale of not less than one inch equals 100 feet and if legible. When used, a photostat must contain a graphic scale;
(b) The entire lot for which application is being made;
(c) A North point;
(d) Title and date, including the name of the owner of the concerned lot;
(e) The dimensions of the lot;
(f) The names and widths of all streets and ways upon which the lot is located;
(g) Where the property is not on a corner, the distance in feet to the nearest intersection and the name of the intersecting street (not including ways);
(h) The location and size of all existing and proposed structures on the lot, including any porches, roof or other overhangs, stoops, chimneys and any other obstructions of open space;
(i) Location and size of all structures (that are on other lots) within 25 feet of the concerned lot;
(j) Any parking areas and their dimensions;
(k) The distance between structures and parking areas;
(l) The distance from the property lines to the structures and parking areas;
(m) The plan of lots and lot numbers, if any, of the involved and abutting properties; if not in a plan of lots, show block and lot numbers from the Allegheny County Block and Lot System;
(n) The name of the plan of lots, if any;
(o) The Plan Book volume and page where recorded; where there is no plan of lots, so state on the plot plan;
(p) Screening (type and height) and type of surfacing of parking areas and driveways; and
(q) For all applications other than one-unit and two-unit dwellings, the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry file number.
(2) In addition to the required data listed above, there shall be such other information as may be deemed by the Building Inspector as necessary in specific cases to judge the plan in accord with the objectives indicated; omission of specific items may be accepted by the Building Inspector by written decision when superfluous to the particular evaluation.
F. The Borough Council shall establish a schedule of fees by resolution, as well as a collection procedure, for all applications submitted under the provisions of this code. The schedule of fees shall be posted in the office of the Borough Manager.
See Article VII: Administration Procedures and Enforcement for the summary table of application requirements, by application type and administrative office. 
See also Building and Zoning Department for more detailed information on permits and applications.