MapLink™ Procedures | Building/ Zoning Permits

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Building/ Zoning Permits
1. Permits.
A. It shall be unlawful to use or change the use of any structure or lot or erect, structurally alter or enlarge any structure without obtaining a building/zoning permit or certificate of occupancy.
B. It shall be unlawful to structurally alter, enlarge, move, remove or construct any structure without obtaining a building/zoning permit. All applications shall be submitted as set forth herein. The Zoning Officer shall review all applications for compliance with applicable codes and ordinances and shall issue a building/zoning permit or a written decision denying the permit that contains references to the ordinance requirements that have not been met within 90 days of receipt of the application.
C. Permits for temporary structures authorized by this article may be issued by the Zoning Officer only for the time that construction work is in progress and for a period not to exceed six months. The permit may be renewed for an additional six-month period upon demonstration of continued need for the structures; however, all temporary structures shall be removed upon completion of construction. Permits for all other temporary structures shall be subject to the requirements of this article.
2. Expiration of approvals and permits.
A. If, after approval of conditional use or a use by special exception, an application for a building/zoning permit to undertake work described in that application has not been submitted within 12 months of the date of granting of approval by the Borough, approval of the conditional use or use by special exception shall expire automatically without written notice to the applicant, unless the Borough Council or the Zoning Hearing Board, as the case may be, extends the approval upon written request by the applicant prior to its expiration.
B. No building/zoning permit for the erection, demolition, alteration or removal of buildings or structures shall be valid after six months from the date of issuance thereof, unless the work authorized by such permit shall have been substantially commenced within six months from the date of issuance and proceeded with, with due diligence. If, however, the applicant has been delayed in proceeding with the work for which the permit was granted by virtue of any reasonable cause and not due to their own negligence, the permit may be renewed by the Zoning Officer without additional cost to the applicant.
C. If, after commencement of construction, the work is discontinued for a period of three months without reasonable cause outside the applicant’s or contractor’s control, such permits shall be void, and work shall not be commenced until a new permit shall have been issued.
3. Revocation of permits.
A building/zoning permit or certificate of use and occupancy for any structure or use shall be revoked and withdrawn by the Zoning Officer if the holder of such permit or certificate has failed to comply with the requirements of this article or with any conditions attached to the issuance of the permit or certificate. Upon revocation of a permit or certificate, the holder may also be subject to the penalties for violation specified in this article.
4. Inspections.
The Zoning Officer, or their representative duly authorized from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council, may examine or cause to be examined all structures and/or land for which a building/zoning permit or a certificate of use and occupancy has been applied for or issued. Such inspections may be made from time to time during construction, if any, and prior to the issuance of a certificate of use and occupancy.

See also Summary of Application Requirements.

See Article VII: Administration Procedures and Enforcement for more detailed information.
See Building and Zoning Department for more detailed information on permits and applications.