MapLink™ Procedures | Sanitary Sewer Certification

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Sanitary Sewer Certification
Sanitary sewer certification required.
After the effective date of this article, any person or persons selling or mortgaging any interest in real property situate within the Borough of Dormont, as those items are defined herein, shall be required to provide to the purchaser and to the appropriate Borough officials designated hereafter a sanitary sewer certification, which certification shall be provided to the purchaser or designated Borough official on the time or times designated in § 170-29 of this article.

Application for sanitary sewer certification; testing and inspection required.
A. Any person selling or transferring real property (the "applicant") located within the Borough shall make application before the date of sale or transfer. The applicant shall then have a plumber who is registered and licensed by the Allegheny County Health Department perform a dye test on the property to be sold or transferred. Such plumber shall complete the appropriate portions of the form and certify that the property has been dye tested and certify the results of each test.
B. In addition to the dye test performed by a plumber registered and licensed by the Allegheny County Health Department, the Borough also requires a video camera inspection of the private sewer lateral to be performed by a plumber registered and licensed by the Allegheny County Health Department. Such plumber shall certify in writing that the property has been inspected by video camera and the results of such inspection.
C. In the event that there are no illegal stormwater or surface water connections or discharges, the Borough Manager, or his or her designee, shall issue a sanitary sewer certificate upon payment of a fee as shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Borough Council. When an illegal stormwater or surface water connection or discharge is discovered by means of the above-mentioned testing and/or inspection, no sanitary sewer certification will be issued until the illegal connections or discharges are removed and certification of such removal is received from a plumber registered and licensed by the Allegheny County Health Department.

Temporary sanitary sewer certification.
A. A temporary sanitary sewer certification may be issued at the Borough's sole discretion when either:
(1) The applicant proves that dye testing cannot be performed because of weather conditions. When such is the case, the applicant shall provide the Borough with security in the amount of $200 to guarantee that the dye test and video camera inspection will be performed. The applicant will cause to have performed the dye test and video camera inspection within 14 days of written notification from the Borough, which will be given at such time as weather conditions make the dye test and video camera inspection possible. In addition, the applicant shall provide a signed, written acknowledgment from the purchaser agreeing to correct, at the purchaser's sole expense, any violations that may be discovered as a result of such subsequent dye tests and video camera inspections. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit any purchaser from requiring the applicant to reimburse the purchaser for any costs incurred; provided, however, that primary responsibility shall run with the land, and no such agreement shall affect the Borough enforcement powers or excuse the seller, mortgagor or purchaser from performance hereunder; or
(2) When an illegal stormwater or surface water connection or discharge is discovered, and the necessary remedial activities to correct any such connection or discharge would require a length of time such as would create a practical hardship for the applicant, the applicant may apply to the Borough Manager for a temporary sanitary sewer certificate, which may only be issued when the applicant provides the Borough with all of the following:
(a) A bona fide, executed contract between the applicant and a registered licensed plumber to complete the necessary remedial work, with the Borough listed therein as a third-party beneficiary.
(b) Cash security in the amount of said contract is posted with the Borough.
(c) An agreement by the purchaser to be responsible for all cost overruns related to the remedial work, together with a license to enter upon the property to complete work in case of default of the contractor.
B. The temporary sanitary sewer certification shall expire within 30 days after its issuance, and, at the expiration of the same, the security shall be refunded to the applicant, but in the event that the security posted is insufficient to complete the remedial work, the purchaser or, in the case of a refinance, the property owner shall be charged for the same and shall be responsible for payment thereof.